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Demonstration Next Week: Cheesecake by Maxim's of New York will be Demonstrated next week by Donna!! Don't miss this wonderful experience!
Today Challah Time included a demonstration of a new braiding style and plenty of catching up on things baking and life in general.
Deanna mentioned that King Arthur has lots of Halloween Treats to try out as well as Pan de Muerto/Day of the Dead recipes.
Next week we'll hopefully hear about Robin's pilgrimage to King Arthur during her visit to Vermont a few weeks ago. And Cecily made a sugar-free chocolate chip cookie that was well received. We'd love to post the recipe on the blog, Cecily. Deanna made these inspired by the recipe description Cecily provided for King Arthur gluten-free-almond-flour-chocolate-chip-cookies-recipe
I made a vegan oatmeal cranberry cookie that was very tasty and has my pants fitting a bit snugger, they are just too difficult to stop eating. The recipe I found can be found at https://fppdwotjfee;omg/cp,tjocl-chewy-vegan-oatmeal-cookies/ . Let me know if you plan to make them and I'll pass along my tipe because the recipe is a little temperamental.
As for Challah Time, I was determined to practice my 4-strand braiding skills, ultimately with Sara's help. I found a beautiful shape by the Challah Prince that inspired me. However, I decided also to stuff my center challah with a reduction of Barsotti's apple juice and freeze dried apples to keep the moisture in order-fresh apples are too wet. The stuffing did not allow the interior challot to retain its 4-strand shape. Instead, I made adjusted and conbined the strands into 2 and twisted them into a rope which was thenlaid in an oval pattern. The other 2 4-wtrand mini-challot were laid on either side of the center challot and circled like a crown. Below are pics of my pre-shaped strands, the shaped unbaked challah, and the baked result. The shape is rather like an eye, and I cannot wait for ha motzi to tear into this stuffed creation.
I'll forward Donna's cheesecake recipe this week for you to follow along next Friday, November 5th!
Wishing you a peaceful Shabbat on this glorious fall evening.
Sun, February 9 2025
11 Sh'vat 5785
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Sun, February 9 2025 11 Sh'vat 5785