'Why TOR' Initiative
'Why TOR' Initiative
Why This Initiative
Last Yom Kippur morning Rabbi Rabishaw talked with Temple Or Rishon (TOR) about the challenges and opportunities TOR faced as we navigated the past year and a half of pandemic. The adaptability, creativity and innovation that we utilized to thrive during this time have left us poised for a future that will allow TOR to emerge renewed and refreshed as we chart our course towards a “new normal.” This unique moment in time calls us to begin a sacred process we are calling the “‘Why TOR’ Initiative.” This initiative is designed to get to the heart of why TOR exists, what we strive to be/offer, and how we are going to make it happen. As we look towards the future, it is certain that we at TOR will renew some of our pre pandemic ways and make them come alive again in our hearts and souls. And, perhaps more significantly, this initiative will lead to re-imagined/refocused purpose, new ideas, new practices, and new ways of doing things.
What is happening
In a series of workshops and town hall conversations, we will explore the “Why” for the following TOR core values:
- Community
- Education
- Prayer/Spirituality
- Connection to Israel
- Social Justice
- Well Utilized Facility/Campus
We are gathering a team of approximately 35 passionate TOR members, who are excited about our future -- some with historical memory, some engaged today, and many we hope will be engaged in the future. This group will meet on three occasions to explore Why TOR strives to live these core values; What we would like to see happen at TOR with regard to these core values; and How we move forward and engage in the work of these core values.
Additionally, two Congregational Conversations will take place, allowing the greater congregation to hear the progress of the initiative and provide their own ideas and feedback.
How you can be involved
We want your voice and your ideas as we build on TOR’s steady foundation, started by our founders and strengthened by the first generations of our Temple community.
There are three ways to be involved in this process:
1. Submit an application to participate in the team meetings.
2. Share your voice during a Congregational Conversation.
3. Stand ready to be part of the efforts this spring that will come from the ‘Why TOR’ Initiative.
Click here to submit an application!
Sun, February 9 2025
11 Sh'vat 5785
'Why TOR' Initiative Updates
TOR COVID-19 Summary
Temple building is now open. Please call before coming to ensure that someone is able to assist you.
Shabbat services are currently being streamed through our joint website www.tortahoe.org and are available on Zoom.
Click here for information regarding online engagement opportunities.
If you are having trouble joining the Zoom meetings or accessing Facebook Live, email Mary Frank - mary.frank@orrishon.org or send text message to: 916-926-9018.
Please reach out if you are in need of assistance.