Community Schedule
November 29 - December 5
Friday, November 29
7:00PM -Kabbalat Shabbat Service
Platform: In-person and LiveStream
Location: Temple Or Rishon
Join us for Shabbat services led by Cantor Ben Harris.
Click here to join via LiveStream>>>
8:00PM - Final Friday Dinner
Platform: In-person
Location: Temple Or Rishon
Leave the leftover turkey in the refrigerator and join us for this month's final Friday Dinner from Macaroni Grill!
Saturday, November 30
9:00AM - Torah Study
Platform: Zoom
Join us for a continuation of our weekly Torah study led by Rabbi Alan Rabishaw.
Monday, December 2
7:00PM - Rosh Chodesh Group
Platform: In-person
Location: Temple Or Rishon
Join us to celebrate the New Moon, New month of Kislev and Renewed you! This group has a female focus, but all are welcome.
Tuesday, December 3
7:00PM - Balancing Two Religious Faiths in Your Immediate or Extended Family? Wrestling with Reality, Especially with Hanukah and Christmas in the Air
Platform: In-person
Location: Temple Or Rishon
Instructor: Rabbi Alan Rabishaw
Join us for an exploration, conversation and sharing of best practices as we confront the feelings, challenges, joys and memories that we face in the month of December.
Wednesday, December 4
10:00AM - Great Courses
Platform: Zoom
We will resume our exploration of the TaNaCh with Professor Hayes' eighth lecture, "Exodus from Egypt to Sinai (Exodus 5-24, 32; Numbers)." This presentation traces the account of the Exodus (and the origin of the Passover festival as a historicization of older nature festivals) and Israel’s liberation from bondage under Pharaoh. The story reaches its climax with the covenant concluded between God and Israel through Moses at Sinai. Drawing heavily on the work of Jon Levenson, the lecture examines Ancient Near Eastern parallels to the Sinaitic covenant and describes the divine-human relationship (an intersection of law and love) that the covenant seeks to express.
Questions about the lectures can be directed to Saul Rapkin.
Click here to join via Zoom>>>
7:00PM - Jewish Spirituality Group
Platform: In-person
Location: Temple Or Rishon
Join educator, Mary Frank, as we delve deeper into the discussion of spirituality through Jewish texts, meditation and mindfulness practices.
Thursday, December 5
No programming
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Wed, December 4 2024 3 Kislev 5785