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Our Curriculum


All of our students spend 45 minutes per day learning a variety of information about being Jewish. For the youngest learners (PreK, Kinder, and 1st Grade), their lessons are about holidays, Torah stories, and traditions. For 2nd - 5th grade, the students engage with a curriculum called Shalom Learning. This interactive program focuses on seven major themes throughout the year.

1. Teshuvah-Return/Repentance

2. B’tzelem Elohim-In G-d’s Image

3. Gevurah-Courage/Strength

4. Achrayut-Responsibility

5. Hakarat-Hatov-Recognizing the Good

6. Koach Hadibbur-Power of Speech

7. Shalom

The lessons are fun and engaging, with videos, questions, games, brain breaks and activities aimed at making the topics relevant to our students.

Our 6th graders learn about the rhythm and cycles of the Jewish calendar and how it fits into the secular calendar and seasons. They also talk about specific holidays and gain a deeper understanding of the traditions and history behind their observance.

The 7th grade class engages in lively discussions about Jewish ethics and how being Jewish can fit into and be relevant to their everyday  lives.

Our Enrichment Classes

Our elective program serves our 4th through 7th grade students and consists of two semester-long enrichment classes (12 sessions each semester).  Students in PreK-3rd grade enjoy music and art each Sunday all year long.

Junior Choir with Cantor Ben

Fine Art:  Students learn about different Jewish artists and create their own art using similar mediums to the masters.

Mitzvot in the Movies: Students watch 3 movies and discuss the Jewish values that they see played out in the different characters and stories. 

Sun, October 27 2024 25 Tishrei 5785