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Purim 2024

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All Purim events will benefit our Religious School and Youth programs at TOR! All sponsorships include the Mishloach Manot "whole megillah" sponsorship and 10% of each sponsorship will also go toward our scholarship fund, providing scholarships for Jewish Summer Camp. Thank you for supporting our kids!

Mishloach Manot

A box will be available for pick up for every member family. Sponsor the "whole megillah" and your name will appear on the greeting card inside each box. Or, you can purchase individual boxes to give as gifts to friends, family, and neighbors. All boxes must be picked up at the temple starting on Thursday, March 21st. Delivery is not available at this time. 

   The "whole megillah" (full temple mishloach manot sponsor) - $54
   Purchase individual boxes - $18

One of the four mitzvot of Purim, Matanot La'evyonim calls us to give charity to those in need. In the spirit of our support of the youth of Temple Or Rishon, we are encouraging you to donate to our scholarship fund this year. Fulfill this mitzvah and provide support for our students to attend Jewish camp this summer!
Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated and go directly to student camp scholarships. 
Sun, February 9 2025 11 Sh'vat 5785