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Men's Club Heart Challah Bake

02/12/2022 04:49:01 PM


Welcome TOR Men's Club to the Challah Time blog!!!

This past weekend members of the TOR Men's Club took on the Heart Challah Challenge!   With a range of expertise, from novice to intermediate, the attendees met to make challah together. Via Zoom, we bloomed yeast, mixed ingredients, hand-kneaded, went on to the bulk fermentation, dividing, pre-shaping, strand rolling, braiding, etc. It was extensive. Quite a lot of information was covered. This was not a brief overview but a hands-on, ask your questions, let's-make-sure-got-this type of class. The guys picked up the skills quickly. I appreciated the opportunity to bring my enjoyment of challah baking to more TOR members.

One of the best parts of a challah bake is seeing the results of fellow bakers. Below are the images and notes from the Men's Club. Enjoy!

David's Challah


David's baker's notes: I definitely rushed my baking last night [Sat.] when I got home. I should have waited much longer for the bread to warm up once it was out of the refrigerator, but it was getting late.  My heart challah came out looking "okay", but it would have been better looking if I let it rise more before putting it into the oven. Still - learned a lot and had a great time in the class. 


Mark's Challah

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Mark's baker's notes: Not very pretty, but tasted good.  Made good French toast this morning.


Neil's Challah

Neil's baker's notes: (Did you use a convection oven?-EB) I didn’t use the convection settings. The color was due to very quick, uneven egg wash I think. I may have over baked a bit - I took it out at 20 min and it looked done, but the temp was only 180. Therefore, I put it back in for another 4 minutes after which it was 200. Taste was OK, but a bit dense. It made great French Toast this morning. [Sun.]


Richard's Challot

Richard's baker's notes: We refrigerated overnight, proofed, and baked this morning. Made a small braided loaf and a knot out of the extra. They taste really good.


Vicki and Paul's Challah and Cinnamon Roll

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Paul's baker's notes: With the extra dough we made a cinnamon roll. Great activity! 


Great job bakers!!! Looking forward to baking with you again sometime.

Click here to join Challah Time as scheduled via Zoom>>> 

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Sun, February 9 2025 11 Sh'vat 5785